Worry is a Waste of Time

Worry is a Waste of Time

Anything could happen on a given day. How is it possible to live peacefully when everything in life is so uncertain?  Many of us suffer from anxiety, paranoia, and panic attacks too, all deeply rooted in fears that shoot out of control.

“Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?—Matthew 6:27 One day, I noticed a tree, gnarled, cracked, old and shrunken, when suddenly it started to rain heavily, the branches bent over, some snapped and fell down on the ground and I could always hear the tree groaning with pain!  I suddenly realized worry has that propensity, the arrows of projectional thoughts keep on hitting an unprotected soul like heavy rain, and eventually, the poor soul cracks up and falls apart.

The key to preventing worry is to anchor our thoughts in an environment of peace.  Mind control is powerful in that do not allow unwanted thoughts to creep in like insidious snakes invading our sanctity of peace. To fight this, we must learn to visualize positive pictures of things to be because positive energy emits a greater aura and attracts happier things in our lives.

Prayer is powerful, it changes a lot of things.  Things do change because the Creator of the Universe is listening.  It is not a magical charm, but rather a divine privilege to everyone who has the will to believe in the Divine.

There is a beautiful promise, “None of the things you fear will come upon you.”  With this, we start to experience pure freedom.  Freedom to believe, freedom to hope, freedom to love, freedom to share, freedom to give, and freedom from the fear of loss, harm, and destruction.

So, don’t have to waste our precious time worrying. God knows our needs and will care for us He tells us to come to Him first, trust His presence and provision in the present, and live by faith one day at a time.  The weight of tomorrow is too much for us.

Remember the more we walk close to God, the chains of worry and anxiety will break free from our lives because we walk in the Spiritual Armor of Light which protects us!


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